

PLURALISM RELIGION, CHALLENGE, AND DEVELOPMENT IN ADDRESSING RELIGIOUS VIOLENCE ABSTRACT History proves that the development of the Islamic thought has a history which is quite long and winding. Thought is constantly taking place because the culture of the society are constantly evolving and the increasing complexity of problems that exist in society. Islam as a religion which is approved by Allah SWT is able to perform adaptive to the reality of social life, there is a conflict, though some of the social order, political, cultural and others. Indonesia's own country is a country made up of diverse people, race, ethnicity, creed, religion and different cultures. Each person must have a different view in the face of life and their own problems. This is likely to lead to conflicts and divisions are only based on emotions among individuals of society. For that, we need an understanding of pluralism to unite a nation. Religious plurality has now become an urgent necessity and

ABSTRAK SKRIPSI BAHASA INGGRIS Concept of Islamic Education in the Perspective Hasan Langgulung

ABSTRACT Thesis, Name: Satria Okta Valentina NIM: 20150017, Title "Concept of Islamic Education in the Perspective Hasan Langgulung ( Literature Review )" Islamic education is the development potential and cultural heritage from generation to generation. But the reality in Indonesia, culture passed from generation to generation is slowly fading and the development potential is limited by technological advances and information that have no end. Hasan Langgulung as one of the leaders of Islamic education in the global era, offering educational concept that Islam has principles that have an important role to the existence and development of society, among them: the principles of the historical and ideological principles Background of the following problems: 1) how the concept of Islamic education in the perspective of Hasan Langgulung? 2) how the relevance of Islamic education Langgulung Hasan perspective with Islamic education in Indonesia ?. The objectives of this

Teknik Membaca SQ3R "Nikah Muda Nikah Kaya" (Syafii Efendi)

Pengertian Metode SQ3R Sering kita mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami sebuah buku atau bahan bacaan lainnya. Tidak jarang untuk memahami sebuah bacaan, kita membaca lebih dari satu kali. Mengapa demikian? Banyak orang yang membaca sebuah buku atau bacaan lain dengan cara membaca keseluruhan bacaan itu sekaligus. Dengan cara itu, orang tersebut beranggapan akan dapat memahami bacaan itu dengan baik. Ternyata anggapan tersebut tidak terlalu tepat. Untuk memahami suatu bacaan, tidaklah sekedar membaca, tetapi memerlukan strategi yang tepat, cepat, dan memperoleh hasil yang baik. Membaca sebuah buku, dapatdimulai dengan membaca sekilas atau skimming, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan membaca secara intensif. Membaca sekilas bertujuan untuk memperoleh kesan umum dari sebuah buku. Akan tetapi, buku itu juga harus dipelajari secara intensif. Kita tidak hanya membaca buku itu secara meluas, tetapi perlu juga secara mendalam. Membaca secara intensif diperlukan untuk memperoleh informasi

The CEFR in non-formal education (in English courses Kampung Inggris Pare): developing descriptors of academic English

"The CEFR in non-formal education (in English courses Kampung Inggris Pare) : developing descriptors of academic English" By: Ade Teguh Ramadhan  16020230006 ´ Outline • Brief introduction to EAP • Brief introduction to 4 English courses in Kampung Inggris • The suitability of the CEFR in the academic context • Developing descriptors of Academic English  ´ Brief introduction to EAP ´ English for Academic Purposes • EAP “refers to language research and instruction that focuses on the specific communicative needs and practices of particular groups in academic contexts” (Hyland and HampLyons , 2002) • EAP is used in a variety of settings (in English-speaking countries or outside) and for different purposes (international or home students, at academic or secondary school level) • Needs of mainstream students ignored by a “deficit-approach” to EAP (Wingate and Tribble , 2012) § Writing instruction for international students § Remedial writing co


PEMETAAN STANDAR KOMPETENSI (SK) DAN KOMPETENSI DASAR (KD) TAHUN PELAJARAN : 2018/2019 SEKOLAH                             : SD KELAS                                     : 1 (SATU) MATA PELAJARAN            : BAHASA INGGRIS SEMESTER                            : 2 (DUA) Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar KKM Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Alokasi Waktu Menulis 8. Mengeja dan Menyalin tulisan bahasa inggris sangat sederhana dalam konteks kelas 8.1 Menyalin kosakata bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima dengan ejaan yang benar Menyalin dan mencocokan kata dengan gambar yang sesuai 8.2 Melengkapi kosakata sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima SYLABUS SD /MI KELAS I NO KOMPETISI DASAR IPK/Tujuan Pembelajaran Materi Kegiatan Pembelajaran Ass